Saturday 21 March 2015

Iceland - Northern Adventure plus Lights Camera Action, Iceland & Movies


So you are in Iceland, WHAT? You are in Iceland! NO WAY! Yes way!
you are ready for your adventure... Right? You know what you want to see... Right?
If you are not yet ready and you are not sure yet what you want to see then let me help you out!

If you are just coming to my blog site and haven't yet read what's good to do in the West area of Iceland, then here,  Read This Now then catch up with me on the road in Northern Iceland!
You read it? Yes? Okay. So I will be jumping around a bit through out this blog as I am covering BOTH Iceland's northern side and Iceland in films! The reason I am mixing these two together is because the major film, Star Wars and popular TV show Game of Thrones were filmed in the north part of the country. I felt if I was going to discuss them here along with other things to see in the North that it only makes sense to also cover filming in Iceland in general.

Iceland in the Movies!

A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far Far Away........... JOKING!

In fact it's not such a long time ago, it was actually last year on a continent far far away from me on Iceland where they filmed certain scenes for the new Star Wars movie. 

Iceland in fact is known for its unique landscapes and film makers take full advantage of this. The movie 'Interstellar' was filmed in Iceland and the creators  said why do we need CGI when we have an alien looking planet in Iceland.
Interstellar, Iceland, Adventure
Interstellar with Matthew McConaughey and Anna Hathaway

Check out these quotes!

“Flying in over the black sand beaches and lava fields, I could see that Iceland had the rugged and unusual look we needed for our film, “Flags of Our Fathers”. I soon learned that Iceland also has friendly, hardworking people with a refreshing can-do spirit. The open roads and undisturbed countryside remind me of the way America was fifty years ago. With such gorgeous scenery, delicious fish and even golf, Iceland made for a terrific filming location.”

-Clint Eastwood, Flags of Our Fathers, 2006

“For the Far Northern locations of Game of Thrones, we wanted something shatteringly beautiful, barren and brutal.  In Iceland, we found all of that, as well as a highly professional production crew.”

-Janet Graham Borba, Game of Thrones, 2013

“When we first went to Iceland, I was blown away by the experience. The topography is so different, you can go up on a glacier that’s only a few hundred feet above sea level and feel like you’re at the top of the world.  All you can see is ice for miles and miles and then huge cliffs.  The landscape creates such amazing, stunning imagery that for a movie, is a great place to film.”

-Ben Stiller, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, 2013

Iceland & Movies/TV

Below I now bring our attention to the North of Iceland and discus major blockbuster film, Star Wars and popular TV show, Game of Thrones, both filmed heavily in the North.

Star Wars In Iceland

Another really cool thing about Iceland is that it was a picked location for some scenes in the upcoming Blockbuster Film Star Wars. In the seventh Episode, some of our favorite stars from the originals return to a Galaxy Far Far Away!

In the northern parts of Iceland one will find a place that could be considered a place that is strong with the dark side of the force. Krafla, is a large volcanic spot on Iceland which last erupted in 1984.

This spot could easily be used for a volcanic landscape or in the winter, perhaps the planet Hoth. How these scenes will be used will be learned when Star Wars The Force Awakens launches December of this year. Krafla Volcano can be seen in the upcoming film, little more is known.
Feel free to comment if you have any updates on this.

Star Wars, Iceland
Star Wars Poster

Game Of Thrones

If you are a fan of the series then the Game of Throne Tour is for you! It allows you to join a group of fellow fans of the show as you travel the foot steps of Jon Snow. The awe-inspiring film locations will leave you with a memorable tour.


  • Travel to North Iceland to experience the astonishing film locations showcased in series three.
  • Visit the areas where Night's Watch men, including Samwell Tarly and Lord Commander Mormont, are attacked by the White Walkers.
  • Walk the land that Jon Snow, Ygritte, and the Free Folk cross to reach the Wall.
  • Visit the cave where Jon Snow and Ygritte have their first intimate romantic encounter.
  • Learn about how the Free Folk, like the ancient Vikings, lived and survived in their harsh environment.


Game of Thrones, Iceland, adventure, tour
Join the Nights Watch

The tour costs a lot of money and costs a lot of time, so what if you are doing many other things and perhaps you don't want to drop hundreds of dollars on a tour or perhaps you just want to see a few sites from the show while in the North of the island. This was my case, so here is what I did. I looked over the filming locations and picked a few locations that I thought would be awesome to see. 

Godafoss Waterfall


Used as a filming location in Game of Thrones (season 4) you can take a stop here which is located just off the Ring Road near Akureyri. This waterfall has a lot of history, Godafoss had a big play in Icelandic history.
Godafoss This waterfall, 12 meters high and 30 meters wide, is at once the most famous of the Skjalfandafljot waterfalls and one of the most famous in North Iceland and the country at large. According to the sagas, lawspeaker Thorgeir Ljosvetningagodi settled a religious crisis in Iceland by throwing the idols of the old Nordic gods into the fall, wherefrom it gets its name “The waterfall of the gods“. Certainly, those who witness the sheer beauty of the fall will agree that the name is fitting.



A unique area with oddly shaped rocks in the north of Iceland where you can walk in the foot steps of Jon Snow, this location is yet another Game of Thrones filming location.

Lake Myvatn

The lake is another beautiful area in Iceland that serves as a great camping area for locals and tourists. Game of Thrones films in and around the lake.
Lake Myvatn, Iceland, adventure
Lake Myvatn

Crater, Iceland, Adventure
Crater near Lake Myvatn
Grjotagja Cave near Lake Myvatn
The above picture is the cave in which Jon Snow and Ygritte have their first intimate encounter. Keeping in mind the actual shooting of this scene was done in studio, the entrance to the cave was used by Game of Thrones filming crew and this cave is the inspiration for the scene. Due to the water within being too hot they had to film in a studio. Do not be disappointed as if you are here then you are still in the heart of Jon Snows story in Game of Thrones. As mentioned above this whole area around Lake Myvatn was used for hundreds of scenes throughout the seasons of Game of Thrones.

So when in North Iceland and even if you are not a game of Thrones fan, the landscapes and scenery is something you won't want to miss, and if you are a fan of Jon Snow and his part of the story, well, now you can actually be right there and see where the Nights Watch is stationed and where Jon would have been patrolling!
Watch the videos below to see what Iceland looked like while filming in the winter vs filming in the summer...


North Iceland & More Things To See & Do

Iceland is a popular spot for movies, it is also a popular spot for wildlife. Some of the best spots for seal spotting and whale spotting is right here in the North of Iceland.
So I of course will suggest Akureyri, the Capital of the North as a place to stop at. You will most likely plan to camp here or further up the Ring Road in Husavik.

As we set of you will come across many wonderful attractions on your adventure. I am going to cover a few here.

Hvammstangi Seal Center: The Icelandic Seal Center Museum is found on the harbour in the town of Hvammstangi, North Iceland just 4 minutes from the route 1 road.
So stop in to the museum before continuing along the 711 for places to see seals in the wild!

Seals, Iceland, Adventure
Thousands of seals hanging out North Iceland

Here is links to hot spots for seal watching close by the museum. Remember to go 2 hours before or after low tide time check the Link when going to view seals.  More info about the seals can be found on the museums website.


When out looking at seals the third spot mentioned to stop at is also a famous bit of rock called Hvitserkur. Some Icelanders say it is a troll that was turned to rock, others say a dragon. Just another folk tail in the land of fire and ice! Real or Not?
 Check the photo below and see for yourself just how unique this rock really is.


Once seeing this and exploring some of the areas posted in this blog take some time and head out to sea to see Whales, Puffins and enjoy the sailing with some fresh hot chocolate. 
See the Whales

So if you will be staying in the North of Iceland then follow this link if whale watching in Iceland is something you would enjoy. North Sailing.

Myvatn Nature Baths much like the Blue Lagoon is a geothermal spa however this one tends not to draw as many tourists compared to its larger brother on the South side of Iceland. The locals tend to appreciate this place more and the queues are much smaller.

Spa, Iceland, Myvatn Nature Baths, Relaxation

So after walking through the Krafla lava fields or after a long horse back ride, what ever your adventure, here is a nice spot to soak and relax. Better priced than Blue Lagoon with later hours, Myvatn Nature Baths is definitely a must do while in North Iceland.

Below are just some other areas you can visit in North Iceland.

Dettifoss, Iceland, Adventure
Dettifoss Waterfall located off Ring Road 1

Mud Pots, Geothermal, Iceland, Adventure

Turf Homes in Winter Follow this link
Mud Pots bubble near Lake Myvatn

The North of Iceland has lots to see and do and honestly you could spend 5 days exploring here easy!

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