Thursday 26 February 2015

Iceland - Advice on Gear and Safety

Iceland the land of adventure and danger!

25 year old dies in Iceland "missing-tourist-died-exposure-glacier"

You find yourself in this fairy tail land of fire and ice, a land of mysterious superstitions and beliefs. Iceland, a place where adventure lives is filled with alien landscapes, home to over 1000 waterfalls, 133 volcanos and only 300,000 residence. Remote, adventure, and majestic views makes Iceland a place that should be on any ones list when looking for adventure.

Like any adventure comes danger so the right gear is needed for an adventure in Iceland.
We started off reading about a tourist who took an adventure and never left Iceland alive.
This was not the only life Iceland has claimed.
In fact 140 travelers died in Iceland since 2000! Mostly traffic accidents but every once in awhile travelers go out unprepared for Iceland, they could get lost in a snow or sand storm, fog even has been at fault and without the proper gear the unexpected traveler loses his/her/their direction and ends up getting lost wondering deeper into the interior. Not properly equipped this could be fatal.
From dangerous Geysers, to boiling mud pots through lava fields, Iceland is an amazing place but a place people should respect greatly. Follow this link for more warnings and dangers in Iceland.

The Gear To Bring:

As we know gear is essential when adventuring Iceland so I want to run through a list of items you do not want to leave behind.
 I will be traveling through lava fields, walking up craters, camping in the wild, and traveling in a car around an almost remote island, bringing the right gear is important and it is important I share this with you.

When traveling to Iceland it is important to leave your Itinerary with
Checking their website you can keep yourself informed of ongoing dangerous as seeing at the top of the page in the photo below.

safetravel, iceland, adventure

The Gear: 

  • Tent: Of course a tent is a top priority for camping in Iceland, but you do not want just any tent. Some do camp in the Winter, or like me, will camp in the Spring time when weather can still be nasty, this will play a part on the type of tent you want to bring. Make sure it is weather proof and meets the requirements for a safe night of camping in Iceland. Talk to your local retail stores or rent from a place while in Iceland.

  • Stove: You need to eat and as mentioned in my last blog -self-drive-iceland-from-airport-to-west.html- I named off some food markets to shop at. So make sure you grab some food, pots and pans, and of course your stove so that you can enjoy a nice cooked meal. Even if you are not camping, carrying one of these stoves around with you is important on a road trip and can save you money of course. 

  • Trekking Polls: When hiking don't forget your trekking polls, great for climbing steep hills such as craters, and great to use to lessen the shock on your knees while walking long trails.

  • GPS:  Grab maps from information centers and have a good compass and GPS handy! Be prepared and you will be safe hiking and adventuring Iceland.

  • Data Plan: Get a data plan for your trip so that you can access apps, your cells GPS and keep up with your blog, Twitter or Facebook account to keep those who follow you updated on your trip and now you also have a phone for emergency use as well.

  • First Aid: A First Aid Kit is not to be forgotten, you never know what will happen on your adventure so once again, be prepared.

  • Sleeping Bags/Blankets: You can actually save money at guesthouses and such if you use your sleeping bag and not their sheets to sleep in. When camping or taking a road trip where weather can be predicting, it is smart having a few extra blankets lying around.

  • Water: Not just for drinking, or using to clean dishes, but also great for a overheated car.

Iceland Camping Equipment

Use This Site, renting equipment, when planning a road trip and or camping in Iceland. Some stuff you can get before you come while other stuff it is just easier to plan to rent so you can pick it up when you land.
    Even though Iceland doesn't see low temperatures due to the Gulf Stream, the wind and rain can make it feel colder. So below are some clothing you want to make sure you have no matter what time of year you go.
  • Layered jackets: prepare for all 4 seasons no matter what time of the year you travel to Iceland. However unlikely a snow storm would be in July, Iceland has had unlikely weather in the past. It is best no matter what time of year you go to pack for warm and cold days.

  • Gloves: Make sure they are water proof and wind proof is also recommended.

  • Hiking Boots: Spend the extra cash and get good quality hiking boots, make sure they are waterproof and warm.   

  • It is also recommended even in Winter to pack a bathing suit! Warm water can be found in rivers for bathing, they're swimming pools and of course the Blue Lagoon. Always pack thermal wear. If you plan to take a trip out over a glacier, get a professional guide and of course bring proper equipment for your activities like crampons, ice axe, and rope. Be smart get a guide and they will give you all the necessary training and equipment for your ice time in Iceland.

So I covered some items to bring with you, of course with clothing, you'll be packing sweaters, T-shirts and more but don't forget the items above. The gear you bring can make your Iceland experience a safe and fun one.
    Comment below if you have other items that people may not think about that is important to bring to Iceland!

Next time on my blog,
Is finding a hot spring inside a cave something you think is cool? Would you love to get a glimpse of scenery from the new Star Wars movie? Would you like to walk in the footsteps of Game Of Thrones Character Jon Snow? If you said yes to any of the above, I have that and more coming up on my next blog.
Northern Iceland and what to do, is coming soon!  

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