Thursday 26 February 2015

Iceland - Advice on Gear and Safety

Iceland the land of adventure and danger!

25 year old dies in Iceland "missing-tourist-died-exposure-glacier"

You find yourself in this fairy tail land of fire and ice, a land of mysterious superstitions and beliefs. Iceland, a place where adventure lives is filled with alien landscapes, home to over 1000 waterfalls, 133 volcanos and only 300,000 residence. Remote, adventure, and majestic views makes Iceland a place that should be on any ones list when looking for adventure.

Like any adventure comes danger so the right gear is needed for an adventure in Iceland.
We started off reading about a tourist who took an adventure and never left Iceland alive.
This was not the only life Iceland has claimed.
In fact 140 travelers died in Iceland since 2000! Mostly traffic accidents but every once in awhile travelers go out unprepared for Iceland, they could get lost in a snow or sand storm, fog even has been at fault and without the proper gear the unexpected traveler loses his/her/their direction and ends up getting lost wondering deeper into the interior. Not properly equipped this could be fatal.
From dangerous Geysers, to boiling mud pots through lava fields, Iceland is an amazing place but a place people should respect greatly. Follow this link for more warnings and dangers in Iceland.

The Gear To Bring:

As we know gear is essential when adventuring Iceland so I want to run through a list of items you do not want to leave behind.
 I will be traveling through lava fields, walking up craters, camping in the wild, and traveling in a car around an almost remote island, bringing the right gear is important and it is important I share this with you.

When traveling to Iceland it is important to leave your Itinerary with
Checking their website you can keep yourself informed of ongoing dangerous as seeing at the top of the page in the photo below.

safetravel, iceland, adventure

The Gear: 

  • Tent: Of course a tent is a top priority for camping in Iceland, but you do not want just any tent. Some do camp in the Winter, or like me, will camp in the Spring time when weather can still be nasty, this will play a part on the type of tent you want to bring. Make sure it is weather proof and meets the requirements for a safe night of camping in Iceland. Talk to your local retail stores or rent from a place while in Iceland.

  • Stove: You need to eat and as mentioned in my last blog -self-drive-iceland-from-airport-to-west.html- I named off some food markets to shop at. So make sure you grab some food, pots and pans, and of course your stove so that you can enjoy a nice cooked meal. Even if you are not camping, carrying one of these stoves around with you is important on a road trip and can save you money of course. 

  • Trekking Polls: When hiking don't forget your trekking polls, great for climbing steep hills such as craters, and great to use to lessen the shock on your knees while walking long trails.

  • GPS:  Grab maps from information centers and have a good compass and GPS handy! Be prepared and you will be safe hiking and adventuring Iceland.

  • Data Plan: Get a data plan for your trip so that you can access apps, your cells GPS and keep up with your blog, Twitter or Facebook account to keep those who follow you updated on your trip and now you also have a phone for emergency use as well.

  • First Aid: A First Aid Kit is not to be forgotten, you never know what will happen on your adventure so once again, be prepared.

  • Sleeping Bags/Blankets: You can actually save money at guesthouses and such if you use your sleeping bag and not their sheets to sleep in. When camping or taking a road trip where weather can be predicting, it is smart having a few extra blankets lying around.

  • Water: Not just for drinking, or using to clean dishes, but also great for a overheated car.

Iceland Camping Equipment

Use This Site, renting equipment, when planning a road trip and or camping in Iceland. Some stuff you can get before you come while other stuff it is just easier to plan to rent so you can pick it up when you land.
    Even though Iceland doesn't see low temperatures due to the Gulf Stream, the wind and rain can make it feel colder. So below are some clothing you want to make sure you have no matter what time of year you go.
  • Layered jackets: prepare for all 4 seasons no matter what time of the year you travel to Iceland. However unlikely a snow storm would be in July, Iceland has had unlikely weather in the past. It is best no matter what time of year you go to pack for warm and cold days.

  • Gloves: Make sure they are water proof and wind proof is also recommended.

  • Hiking Boots: Spend the extra cash and get good quality hiking boots, make sure they are waterproof and warm.   

  • It is also recommended even in Winter to pack a bathing suit! Warm water can be found in rivers for bathing, they're swimming pools and of course the Blue Lagoon. Always pack thermal wear. If you plan to take a trip out over a glacier, get a professional guide and of course bring proper equipment for your activities like crampons, ice axe, and rope. Be smart get a guide and they will give you all the necessary training and equipment for your ice time in Iceland.

So I covered some items to bring with you, of course with clothing, you'll be packing sweaters, T-shirts and more but don't forget the items above. The gear you bring can make your Iceland experience a safe and fun one.
    Comment below if you have other items that people may not think about that is important to bring to Iceland!

Next time on my blog,
Is finding a hot spring inside a cave something you think is cool? Would you love to get a glimpse of scenery from the new Star Wars movie? Would you like to walk in the footsteps of Game Of Thrones Character Jon Snow? If you said yes to any of the above, I have that and more coming up on my next blog.
Northern Iceland and what to do, is coming soon!  

Friday 20 February 2015

Self Drive Iceland- From the Airport to the West Side to Camping Let's go for a Ride!

What to do When you get to Iceland:

OMG! So you have landed in Iceland, ready for your adventure in the land of fire and ice. New to this land, a land which is remote and only hosts to only 300,000 people. A land scape that you hear about on the news for its erupting volcanos! There is plenty to do here and you know that. You have many choices to pick from, so where do you start? That is why you should read this before you land in Iceland so I can help you!
Today this blog will cover the Western side of the Island BUT I will cover a few activities by the Airport as that is usually a starting position.

The Blue Lagoon: 

A lot of people tend to enjoy taking a nice dip in the Blue Lagoon-spa after a long flight. In my case my flight is 6 hours, how long is yours?

Blue Lagoon, Iceland, Relaxing, Spa
Blue Lagoon in the evening
 The Blue Lagoon is what many refer to as a tourist trap, but is it really?
It is one of the most popular attractions in Iceland and although it is man made where the majority of the attractions of the Island are natural, it still is enjoyed by all who soak themselves in this geothermal spa. Plenty of packages to buy which include but isn't limited to, mud masks, slippers, a robe, a free drink, one of their massage packages are wonderful treats. There is a reason why the Blue Lagoon is one of the 25 wonder in the world. Check it out when in Western Iceland!

Blue lagoon iceland, wonders of the world, spa
Blue Lagoon Website
It is pricey, at a standard general admission price of 35 Euros to the full luxury package which will cost 165 Euros, these prices were pulled for todays blog and of course they could eventually change. Standard, Comfort, Premium, and Luxury are the four packages offered. Massages are add-ons and are done in the lagoon.
Also offered at the Blue Lagoon is a full restaurant, café, and an exclusive lounge. The Blue Lagoon hotel is also close by.

Is it a tourist trap or is it simply a must see and do attraction? If you have been to Iceland and been to the Blue Lagoon then comment below.


Google Maps

The Bridge Between Two Continents:

Okay, so if you are like me and this is your very first International trip, AND you are from the American continent, I am Canadian myself, then you may find it extremely cool to walk across the Bridge Between Continents-Reykjavik, (Tectonic Plates) America and Europe.

You can also dive or snorkel in between the two continents at Silfra. Yes I do mean you can swim in Iceland. I will be touching on Silfra in a later blog that will be titled "Self Drive- The Golden Circle"
But you can click the link and go check it out now, it's cool and worth a look.


Google Maps

Explore A REAL Volcano:

Not far from the Bridge Between Continents and the Blue Lagoon stands a Volcano named Thrihnukagigur, in the middle of a lava field. It is the only place on earth where you can enter a magma chamber. The Volcano has been asleep for 4,000 years and this new tour (started a year ago) is your chance to see the inside of a Volcano. The cost is steep but again, no where else on the planet offers this amazing adventure!


Reykjavik: The Capital Of Iceland

The Capital of Iceland is on the west end of the island. So if your adventuring Iceland it is worth checking out BUT do not, DO NOT make this the only place you visit when in Iceland. Now since this blog is about taking an adventure and taking a road trip around Iceland I can presume that you are not just staying in one place. IF you are making Reykjavik your home base then at least this blog will give you adventures you can find around the Capital.
Reykjavik has a few museums, art gallery's and more within its city.

Art, Iceland, Reykjavic
Reykjavik, Iceland, Sun Voyager
If the party scene is more your thing then the Capital can satisfy your needs, especially Friday and Saturday nights! The bars don't start filling up till around 1 AM and they don't close till 6 AM. Singing in the streets while drinking is a usual for a weekend in the Capital. Laugavegur is the most popular street in the Capital for hosting the Nightlife. 
From the Capital you can book Angling activities, horseback riding, ATV trips, whale and puffin tours, hikes and more.  
Main Sights
  • Alþingishúsið — the Icelandic parliament building
  • The Culture House, National Centre for Cultural Heritage (Þjóðmenningarhúsið)
  • Blue Lagoon — geothermal spa located near Reykjavík
  • CIA.IS - Center for Icelandic Art — general information on Icelandic visual art
  • Hallgrímskirkja — the largest church in Iceland
  • Harpa Reykjavík - Reykjavík Concert & Conference Center
  • Heiðmörk — the largest forest and nature reserve in the area
  • Höfði — the house in which Gorbachev and Reagan met in 1986 for the Iceland Summit
  • Kringlan — the second largest mall in Iceland
  • Laugardalslaug — swimming pool
  • Laugavegur — main shopping street
  • Nauthólsvík — a geothermally heated beach
  • Perlan — a glass dome resting on five water tanks
  • Rauðhólar — a cluster of red volcanic craters
  • Ráðhús Reykjavíkur — city hall
  • Reykjavik Art Museum — the largest visual art institution in Iceland
  • Tjörnin — the pond
  • National and University Library of Iceland (Þjóðarbókhlaðan)
  • National Museum of Iceland (Þjóðminjasafnið)
  • University of Iceland
  • Árbæjarsafn (Reykjavík Open Air Museum) — Reykjavík's Municipal Museum
  • Reykjavík 871±2 — exhibition of an archaeological excavation of a Viking age longhouse, from about AD 930
  • Vikin Maritime Museum - a maritime museum located by the old harbour


    Mount Esja

    Reykjavik, Iceland, Adventure
    Mount Esja, Reykjavik, Iceland
    Mountain Esja over looks the Capital of Iceland, if you are up to it you should climb this mountain, get a great view and sign the guest book! Follow this link for more details.
    There is a good path to take up the mountain, how to get there from Reykjavik, is to drive on Highway One through the town of Mosfellsbær, turn right after you have passed the small fjord of Kollafjordur to the café at Mógilsá.



    Off Ring Road One, follow the river to a place of magic!
    Barnafoss, Iceland, Adventure, Waterfall
    Google Maps
    Waterfalls, Iceland, Adventure, Hiking, Barnafoss

    Waterfall, Iceland, Hiking, Adventure
     These two gems found off the beaten row offer a tremendous location for photo taking and relaxation.
    Hraunfossar, (Hraun means lava, Foss means Waterfall) Created by a lava flow which formed the rivulets and created this unique series of waterfalls in Iceland.
    Barnafossar, has a story behind it. (Childrens Waterfall) Supposedly two children who were following their parents to church chose to take a shortcut. They crossed a natural stone bridge over the water where they felt dizzy and fell into the water and drowned. Their mother had then casted a spell on the bridge saying any who crossed would suffer the same fate. The bridge was eventually destroyed during an earthquake.      
    From Reykjavik, drive north on the Ring Road for about 63km passing beneath the Hvalfjörður but turning right onto the Route 50 (not crossing the Borgarfjörður towards Borgarnes). Then, follow the Route 50 for another 30km or so before turning right again to leave the route 50 and get onto the Route 518.

    Snaefelljokull Glacier 

    Welcome to Jules Verne's "Journey to the Center of the Earth" where mystery lives.  Snaefellsjokull is a National Park in West Iceland. Here you can take a snowmobile and speed across the Glacier on the surface or go underground and explore the lava tubes.
    Iceland, Snaefellsjokull, snowmobile, lava tubes, adventure
    Snaefellsjokull National Park
    From route one follow 54 to Utnesvegur

     Other Places of Interest around Snaefellsjokull



     A place with positive energy so the tale states. This small village lays on the West Coast of Iceland.
    The shore line is lined with cool rock formations, worth time making a stop for photos and looking around. On the way into the small village is a crater and a memorial.


    West Coast-Hellnar, rock formations



    rock formations, iceland, adventure
    West Coast- Hellnar, rock formations




    Below is a map with other areas marked worth seeing on your way in or out of Hellnar.


    Well you are driving through this is a great area to stop, relax and have that lunch you have packed.




    Take a turn on to road 572 off Utnesvegur towards the sea.

    Mount Kirkjufell  


    When it comes to Iceland, unique landscapes is the first thing to come to mind. Kirkjufell Mountain is a prime example. Kirkjufell nicknamed 'Table Mountain' was carved into its current shape by the ice-age glaciers. 
    When I planned my road trip through Iceland, this mountain was on the top of my list.
    Below are a couple of photos but if you want to se more click the link > 11 photos of Kirkjufell to convince you to come to Iceland

    Kirkjufell Mountain


    Kirkjufell Mountain, Iceland, Adventure, Photography, sunset
    Kirkjufell Mountain, sunset

    If You Are Going In The Spring & Have A Few Extra Days:

    So in this blog I covered a lot of the West but you could explore the top left corner of this map, the Westfjords, that's at the least another day or more traveling but only suggested to visit there in the Summer. However you could visit any time, but I just didn't have the time to add it on my itinerary.
    If you have the time, check it out, it looks amazing... Well, what part of Iceland doesn't look amazing?

    Need To Knows For Your Road Trip:

    When you land and get your car, you will need to pick up your supplies, all your rental gear as well as your food for your road trip. Iceland is costly but Bonus is a great area to get food at a deal! Eat simple and plan a dinner or two out to really get the proper taste of Iceland! Here is a Link to all the food markets in Iceland, locations are given as well.
    The other type of food you will dine on can actually be found at gas stations, hot dogs are popular in Iceland believe it or not, and they are not $$. So skip taking time making lunch one day and grab a wiener.   

    Wild Camping?

    Iceland is known for its relaxed rules when it comes to camping. So wild camping is allowed. Wild Camping means camping in a random spot not a set campground. Iceland does have numerous campsites around the island, it is an extremely popular activity in Iceland, and wild camping is fine if you are not near a camp site, if you are it is expected that you would check into the official campsite.
    Camping, Iceland, Adventure
    Wild Camping
    Iceland allows you to pull over almost anywhere and camp. They offer emergency huts throughout the interior of the island for the hikers adventuring through to have shelter against storms. These huts are always equipped with food, blankets etc...
    So when I emailed a random fella and asked if I could set camp under Kirkjufell Mountain on his property he said sure! He didn't charge me but instead has made me and those coming with me feel very welcome to come set up camp.
    So not only can you camp pretty much anywhere, if you ask the locals to stay on their land, they are pretty kind about it. Of course be very respectful of their land, and ANY land for that matter when camping.
    The idea of camping came to me when I originally planned for a road trip, it wasn't so much about saving money (which you do) but more I thought, if an adventure was what I seek, hotels just didn't feel to adventurous next to the idea of camping, and wild camping when I could. So I talked to the other two accompanying me and we have decided that 3 nights we will camp. We also have cottage accommodations planned too.
     Still remaining adventurous one night we will camp under Kirkjufell Mountain, and the other two on the south side of the island by some waterfalls.

    Hope This Helped!

    I hope the above locations will help you when you go to book your itinerary and are looking at what to do on the Western side of Iceland.
    If you are doing the road trip around Iceland and you don't think you will have time to see every thing, don't worry, places around the airport like the Volcano or Blue Lagoon, you could aim to do once you come back around. For me, I am seeing the Bridge Between Two Continents but then I will be heading to the Capital to grab food from the market and heading out to see the falls and areas around Snaefelljokull that I covered. When I come back after going around the Island, I have planned 2 days to cover the rest of the things I want to see, and an evening to experience the Capitals nightlife.
    HOWEVER, you must realize that you probably cannot see everything! I touched on some places I felt were key highlights but their are still plenty more to see!
    So when you book, remember you won't just be driving through this area, you will be coming back to it as typically this is where you will catch your flight home.
    Any suggestions of places in the West that you would highly recommend? I touched on some key ones but if their are others that really stand out as a must do please comment below.
     Next time on my blog: Having the right gear
    Note: Before discussing more things to see and do, I want you guys to know what gear to bring with you. Talk to you soon!  


    Sunday 8 February 2015

    Self Drive Iceland- The Route, The Car

    Welcome Back!!

    Thanks for finding another blog focusing on the what to do's while adventuring in Iceland! 
    You took that plane that flew you, how many hours? For me it will take 5 hours or so to get to this wonderful island! So what now? You are finding yourself in this amazing BUT foreign country! It is okay, breathe, relax, because this is that sort of country that you do not mind getting lost in! This adventure will impact your life and you will be finding yourself engaged in exploring! So let's get right down to what this blog is about! ROADS ROADS ROADS and your best pal for your trip!  

    Last time I briefly went over how to build an Itinerary. Today I will further that discussion into how I built my Iceland Itinerary through the West of Iceland. I will be renting a car and driving the Ring Road and I will through these blogs be posting what my daily plans will be.

    Ring Road:

    A proper Iceland adventure involves traveling the Island, whether it is hiking through the heart of the Island, or driving using the famous Ring Road. Iceland offers a wonderful adventure and one of the best ways to truly experience Iceland and see the stunningly amazing scenery is to drive. The only way to drive, is around the Ring Road.

     The Ring Road is the adventure I am taking.

    Ring Road, Iceland road trip, Iceland, adventure
    Beautiful Scenic Drive Starts Here 

    Some people when they first arrive through Keflavik International Airport in Iceland tend to get their rental car and head straight to the Golden Circle in the South when doing a road trip. Counter clockwise tends to be the popular route when driving around the Island I have noticed. I however am going clockwise, their is no wrong way to go. I am saving the 'Golden Circle' for near the end of my road trip.

    When To Go:

    I am going in the shoulder season, May is a great time to be in Iceland, the whales start arriving, the sea birds as well. Flowers begin to bloom, it is a dry month with little rain and the sun is already out longer. The Icelandic winters see 4 to 5 hours of sun, by May, sunrises around 5:30 AM and set's close to Midnight. For this reason you will not get to see the Northern Lights as the night is never really dark and the midnight sun is coming and is in full effect by June.

    For further information on when you should visit Iceland follow this link. (iheartreykjavik-when-is-the-best-time-to-visit-Iceland) However, for a road trip, you should look at going between May - September.

    The winter is dangerous with unpredictable weather, some roads will be closed and this has included part of the Ring Road in the past. Roads will be icy, and if a snow storm hits.... Well.... Driver Beware.

    Calm winter day on Ring Road . Make sure to have a 4 x 4 if you want to attempt winter driving in Iceland. Be safe.

    Renting A Car:

    You will want to go with a reputable car company before heading off on this approximately 1,332 km (828 mi) road around Iceland.

    Iceland, Ring Road, Self Drive, Road Trip
    Ring Road Iceland- The Ring Road of Iceland and some towns it connects: (1) Reykjavík; (2) Borgarnes; (3) Blönduós; (4) Akureyri; (5) Egilsstaðir; (6) Höfn; (7) Selfoss

    So this is the road that sees many travelers a year take. The high season for tourists visiting the Island starts in Mid-June through to August.

    Above is a picture showing the ring road, I myself will be traveling off the road ring at points during the drive, I wouldn't be surprised if you want to do the same when you see my reasons for adventuring off the beaten path.

    So as I mentioned in my 7 steps blog making connections is important, those forums I mentioned are worth reading. Lots of former travelers to Iceland will stay on these forums to offer advice for other curious travelers. The socially active/helpful traveler tends to in general pop in to these forms time to time within a few months after they get back if not, they may hang longer and possibly up to a year to help others on the forum. If you do some digging it won't be hard to find horror stories when it comes to rental companies in Iceland. Some companies have left a bad taste into the mouth of travelers. Don't worry though, I to did a lot of digging and Blue Car Rental has great feed back from travelers.

    So now that I have given a recommendation for a trusted car rental company it is time to pick your car.
    I am going with a FWD, Kia Ceed Sportswagon, manual. There is three of us so this car offers some good room to store luggage.

    Note-This car CANNOT travel the F-Roads of Iceland. F-Roads in Iceland are the routes that travel through the heart of Iceland. As I will be sticking more to the Ring Road I did not see reason to need a car with that purpose. If you do plan to take F-Roads then be sure to pick up a car that is a 4x4.

    Our Route:

    At the top I posted the map of the Ring Road, I however mentioned I will be traveling a bit off the beaten path. Below shows me my route as well as the day I will be in that area.

    Iceland, Road Trip

    Iceland, Road Trip

    Music Makes The Drive Better:

    As you saw from the above pictures, the car I will be traveling with offers USB, and that is important in today's age where most music we have are stored in our many devices that all have (usually) a USP connector.
    I still suggest making some CD's as well.

    Music is important, especially on a road trip. Music sets the mood, so choose your songs wisely and make sure to keep in mind your fellow companions who are sharing the car with you. People have different taste so just make sure the music is okay with others. Take turns playing everyone's music.

    Next time on Dave's Blog, Driving West Iceland (and wild camping?)


    Saturday 7 February 2015

    Itinerary Building for Your Adventure

    Welcome back to my blog!

    Last time we went over the 7 steps to having a successful adventure. Those steps work not just for a trip to Iceland but a trip anywhere. Here are someone else’s tips to a successful trip.

    So read both mine and Donald’s and combining both these 7 tips will help towards you having a great trip!

     So as I ended my last blog I stated that my next blog will be about building an Itinerary. So here we are it is time to discuss how to properly build an Itinerary.

    Whichever place you plan to go to you will want an agenda. Here is a list of must haves on your itinerary.

    ·         Destination

    ·         Where to eat

    ·         What to do

    ·         Where to stay

    ·         How to get there


    Making an itinerary can be fun, this is where you can learn a lot about what your destination offers and what to plan for your amazing adventure.

    Remember when planning out your day add extra time on the estimated travel time as mentioned in my previous blog.  

    Here is a small example of an Itinerary:

    Day One - Date - Location

    06:30 – Arrive in Iceland

    (Check in, grab breakfast at airport (I don't need to be specific with a Bistro name, any place to grab coffee and a bite here works)

    08:00- Head to the Bridge between two Continents

    Google Maps - Iceland
    08:45- Arrive at Bridge Between Continents

    See although you can see in the map it takes 22 minutes, I added a bit of extra time to get to destination just in case.

    Add maps to your Word Document so that you have directions and estimated time of arrival.
    Iceland, Bridge between 2 continents, adventure, travel
    Bridge between 2 continents

    Add photos of the site as well, so you have a visuals and the Itinerary with maps, photos, and some information of the place you’re seeing becomes more of a tour guide than just an Itinerary. (More will be explained in the Tip at bottom of this blog)

    The reason for details becomes more important on adventurous road trips such as the one I am taking in Iceland where there are only 300,000 people and most of the Island is remote.  

    It is wise to have a physical documented Itinerary with directions added in case your something happens to your GPS.

    Here is another Itinerary example, however it is missing, maps, photos, info and is more a to the point agenda. Take a look, you can always do yours like this and have a side print out of maps and info. Whatever best suits you.


    TIP: So I mentioned adding information into your Itinerary above. I like to save some money and avoid taking tours when possible, so what I do is I add some information to my Itinerary on places I will be visiting. This way when I am visiting a site I have a bit of history on what I am seeing. Sometimes however tours are necessary or simply more enjoyable, such as whale tours, or touring a glacier lagoon by boat. However that is Iceland, a place like NYC that offers all sorts of tours, I found no need to take any as all the information and history on the places I was looking to visit could be found on the internet.  

    If you are visiting a place like Paris, I am almost certain most sightseeing areas could be explored by the traveler without the need of a tour guide, so once you know the places you want to see hit the internet and grab some history and cool facts to print out and take with you. Then read about the place your sightseeing when you are there. This tip allows you to be your own tour guide and stay as long as you want there PLUS a bonus, it saves you a hundred or more dollars that would have been spent on a tour guide. Have dinner on me and this tip 

    Of course some people enjoy tours rather than doing research themselves and tours set you up your means of travel from sight to sight. A place like NYC wasn’t hard getting around so I was able to avoid tours and instead did my own self tours. This also allowed me to go at my own pace and stop at dinners and other places along the way that would not have been possible on NYC bus tours. 
    So it is worth looking at as an option and seeing if this method works for you on your trip.

    ATTENTION- Coming up on Dave's Blog - It's not about taking a trip, but taking an adventure - Self Drive Iceland. The Route The Car.

    Note-  The next few blogs will cover preparing for Iceland and my own itinerary for those interested in traveling to Iceland. I will explain why I chose the places I chose, I will display photos, I will discuss wild camping and more. So follow me as we enter the land of Fire and Ice!

    Friday 6 February 2015

    7 steps to a succesful adventure

    Okay, so you have picked the place you want to travel to. Iceland, Rome, Canada, Thailand, Japan, wherever!
    Do you go to a travel agent? You do!? Then just get off this page right now! Kidding!

    In todays world though a travel agent is pretty much useless if you have time to plan trips yourself. What? You do not know how to plan a trip? Well that is okay! That is what this blog is all about!

    So sit back, strap those boots on and lets look at 5 steps to success to planning your trip!

    STEP ONE: Know your destination!
     You need to know where you want to travel before you begin your researching. Obviously.

    STEP TWO: Know your finances!
    Yes, we all know travel costs money. But you should have an understanding of how much money you want to spend so you don't get too ahead of yourself.
    We are talking about an adventure not some all inclusive resort somewhere where everything is free and you will have maybe a few hundred bucks to spend on some activities and such. An adventure takes more from your wallet. So know your finances ahead of time, so when you start planning out your trip you know what you have to put towards it. Are you renting a car? Money. Are you taking tours? Money. Are you hotel jumping? Money. Are you buying groceries? Money. You get the idea. So have an estimate of how much you can spend and plan your adventure accordingly.

    STEP THREE: Make contact!
    Go use +TripAdvisor and jump on their forums! I went to Tripadvisor then I searched-Forum-Europe-Iceland. These forums are where you can post questions and as well explore through threads to get some information on the place you wish to travel. Get the app, it has a great review and I have used it as my go to guide for not only Iceland, but for other trips as well.
    Through the forum you can talk to the locals living in your place of travel. I actually landed a contact for my trip to Iceland who is going to let us stay at their guesthouse which is right under Kirkjufell Mountain. A mountain that I particularly am excited to see, so being able to camp at the base of the mountain is amazing and would not have been possible without the permission of the land owner!

    STEP FOUR: Learn the culture!

    You are a guest in a foreign land, show respect by learning the culture. It also is amazingly cool to see how others live. The world is filled with diversity, what is okay at home may not be okay elsewhere. Example, Icelandic women are very sexually open, they will bath naked in hot springs and should you stroll by, they will invite you in. They are not shy they will come across as flirty, but that doesn't mean you will get them in bed!
    Icelanders are also very religious. Icelanders as well believe in Trolls and Elves. 70% of Icelanders (Taken from survey) believe that elves live under ground.

    STEP FIVE: Research then research some more.

    I am in advertising and marketing, so when I have to do an assignment that involves research, many times I need to research more than one site. I mean, you can get some info from one site, but to make sure it is credible you will want to keep researching to make sure that your info is legit. It is the same with planning a trip. So when I hear a review about say, a car rental company, I will then keep researching to see if that positive/negative review seems to be consistent and not just one persons experience. That goes for hotels, museums, areas of interest, food, etc... And then I will when I can, search for photos, so I can see for myself what the item/area looks like and if it appeals to me.

    STEP SIX: Plan your route wisely.

    I like to use Google Maps. In New York, I could plan my travel routes with GM and get an idea of time of arrival and the smartest route to go so not to back track. In New York, 4 day, I saw 32 attractions. I researched, most anyone could do was 10 to 15 attractions. It's because I planned my route wisely so that I wasn't wasting time, I spent hours mapping the days out and my bud who went there with me was so pleased I did. Here is a quote from Facebook from him to me. "Dude, I saw more than most, I felt we had time to relax during our exploration of the city. This by far is the best planned trip I have ever been on and I have been on a sh*t ton of trips!"
    So plan your trip wisely so you get the most out of it.

    When it comes to road trips, especially in Iceland (as I learned from research) Google Maps may estimate a travel time but could be off by 15 minutes to one hour!
    So when you are planning a road trip my tip to you is give yourself extra time. Say point A to point B is stated on GM (Google maps) as being 1.5 hours drive. Add some time to it, say instead of 1.5 hours, make it 3 hours. This accounts for time should the weather be bad, or SHEEP on the road, or to stop for a picture or rest room break. If you do make it to point B in under 3 hours then great you have given yourself extra time to look around and stuff. Having a full day planned this way, will insure you are rarely finding yourself rushed.

    STEP SEVEN:  Have fun!

    Enjoy the planning process as it is all part of the experience.

    So try to plan your next trip yourself, using these steps. These steps will be described with detailed examples throughout my upcoming blogs.
    It never hurts to get a travel agent if you do not have the free time to plan yourself.
    I guess my last tip/step would be, plan ahead. I gave myself months to plan, so I could plan a bit each week and not feel overwhelmed. As making a great Itinerary can indeed be overwhelming if you wait till the last minute.

    Next time on Dave's Blog - It's not taking a trip, but taking an adventure- Building your Itinerary.

    Picking Iceland

    So how did I come up with this trip to Iceland one may wonder. Some have come to me saying that this was such an odd choice of a place to visit but all have said, "wow, it's such an amazing choice!"

    People think Iceland is cold and covered in snow. In fact, Iceland isn't all that cold. Greenland is covered in ice and Iceland has some ice, but some green as well. Its named the land of Fire and Ice for a reason. As I keep blogging you will understand that reason more.

    Here is a picture of Iceland and as you can see below, it is not covered in ice.

    Iceland, 3d photo, blog

    In fact, Iceland has warmer winter temperatures than right here in Ontario! Example, today in Toronto it is -8 c. Where as in Iceland, it is plus 1 c with a high of 5 c today. Why is Iceland warmer than Toronto? Iceland is north, centered in the Atlantic Ocean, so do you know why it is colder here than there?

    The answer is the Gulf Stream.

    Gulf Stream, Ocean, World, Iceland

    See under the name Iceland on the above map, that bit of land is Iceland and the warm surface flows right past the Island creating a warmer temperature.

    So the fact is, many are simply confused due to its given name, Iceland, which I will explain in a later blog.

    So why did I pick Iceland as my destination?
    Well let me explain how I came across finding this Island as my next destination.

    It was a year ago that my girlfriend and I had started discussing our interest in traveling.
     I had been on a road trip through the states, my destination, two weeks in Florida. I have been to Florida so many times, I have had that warm sun soaking beach experience 8 times! Lake Placid, New York, and some other areas in the United States I have visited as well.
    Here in Canada, I have travelled to Montreal and every summer I travel 3.5 hours to where my cottage is in Haliburton.

    So last summer I was thinking "man I want to get off this continent completely and explore the world" so a few ideas were looked at, they were Thailand, Ireland, and Vietnam.
    My girlfriend and I had discussed traveling for quite sometime. I came across an article while searching for unique places to visit.. It said pretty much what this article below has to say about Iceland.

    Now, I mentioned I typed into Google and found Iceland was recommended but as well, my girlfriend had mentioned this as a place she wanted to go many times. So I knew when I read about Iceland and wanting to go that she would not be a hard sell. I think I had made up my mind 2 minutes into researching the Island.

     So I planned it out quickly, got an estimate of what it would roughly cost and brought the idea to her.

    Original idea was for $1,087 each, inc flight and hotel for 4 nights.

    Once we had decided that this was the trip for 2015 I did what everyone does these days, I made a Facebook post. My uncle saw the Facebook post of my interest into heading to the land of Fire and Ice and shot me a text immediately. This was a place on his bucket list somewhere he badly wanted to go. My uncle is on the road a lot. So knowing he didn't have friends that were able to drop this kind of coin, and I thought this would be a great way to bond, and like the guy said, it's on his bucket list, I invited him to come along.
    My Uncle then suggested a road trip, since he could finance more than two students of course, his coming along opened a door to a grand adventure!

    It seemed that this destination was destined to be explored by us. My uncle had Iceland on his bucket list, my girlfriend really wanted to go there for awhile since reading an article back in early 2014, and well me, I just wanted a true adventure and Iceland offers that and more.

    Finances were sorted out at a total of close to 9 thousand, split 3 ways  (keep in mind that includes tours and other activities, food, gas, car rental etc...), and an 11 day road trip around the Island was planned.
    Welcome to my blog. Over the next few months I will walk you through the planning of our trip to Iceland.

    If you have been to Iceland before why not let me know how you came to picking Iceland as your destination.
    If you haven't been to Iceland, I highly recommend you take some time to check it out, or keep reading my blogs as I will get into details of places to see, visit, and explore!

    Although I have not yet been, I have spent over 15 hours, researching and planning. I look forward to my last post on this topic where I give hands on feed back of our trip to the land of Fire and Ice.
    So sit back and keep following my blog as we plan for a trip of a lifetime.

    Kirkjufell Mountain, Iceland, Cool mountains, Get away
    Kirkjufell Mountain, Iceland

    Next time on Dave's Blog - It's not about taking a trip, but taking an adventure - I will discuss researching tips for your trip, even if your trip is not Iceland but another adventurous trip I highly recommend reading.

    All money mentioned in this blog is in Canadian dollars.

    FACT: Iceland VAT was at 7% now at 11% as of current date.