Wednesday 1 April 2015

Why Travel to Iceland

Why Iceland? 

 For those who have been following my blogs these past 10 weeks I hope you found some useful information. This was a project for school.
I picked Iceland as my topic for my first Adventure I will be blogging about because I think Iceland defines adventure and I will be visiting the Island this Spring... WOW, only a few weeks away now!!
In this blog,
I informed you of places along the West and North sides of Iceland. Through the blog discussing the North of Iceland I as well discuss filming in Iceland. I offered some basic tips on how to be safe which you can look at Here. I also covered car rentals and other stuff throughout my last 10 blogs. Here I will bullet point just another bunch of reasons you should make Iceland your next get away!
  • Iceland is the fourth happiest country in the world.
  • Their literacy rate is 99%.
  • Iceland publishes more books per capita than any other country.
  • During the summer, the sun basically never sets.
  • And this is a typical night view during November and December.
  • It was the first country to elect a female president.
  • When it gets too cold outside you can just hop into one of these hot springs.

  • The arctic fox is the only native mammal
  • Reindeer were imported in the 18th century and their descendants still live there today.
  • And THIS is what their horses look like!

  • The Icelandic version of yogurt, Skyr, is actually cheese.
  • Icelandic cuisine has a special sauce for everything.
  • They even have special kinds of mustard for sandwiches, fries and hot dogs.
  • There are no McDonald’s in Iceland.
  • Iceland is the most web-savvy country in the world; over 97% of people are connected to broadband.
  • Most Icelanders believe in elves and trolls and other mythical creatures.
  • Iceland has over 200 volcanoes. Including one you can explore within.

  • There is virtually no violent crime.
  • They plant more trees per capita than any other country.
  • Beyonce & Jay-Z vacation in Iceland.
  • There are ZERO mosquitos

I will be heading to the land of Fire & Ice and upon returning I will be offering a blog detailing what I have packed, my gear I am taking and how I am feeling one day before leaving. I will also post TWO more blogs covering my first and second week in Iceland on my adventure! So check back in come May!